Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

Happy X’mas 2009

“Merry Christmas all.. May this x’mas bring you a beautiful happiness and peace in ur life… Jbu”

Walaupun 25 Desember 2009 sudah lewat beberapa hari,, tapi lebih baik terlambat drpd ga sama sekali kan.. 

Natal kemarin tidak jauh berbeda dari natal” tahun lalu..
Mungkin ada yg sedikit berkurang karena di tahun lalu di tengah” ibadah malam sudah banyak sms masuk yg mengucapkan “Selamat Natal”.. tapi di tahun ini agak sedikit sepi,, mgkn byk juga yg sudah tergantikan dengan mengucapkan di situs jejaring sosial yg sdg popular saat ini..

Ini sms-sms yg kuterima di hari Natal …

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Selamat Natal & Tahun Baru. Semoga damai Natal menyertai kita semua. GBU
[Bu TDW]
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Cuaca menjelang NATAL 25/12/09 menurut BMG Sorgawi!!!
Akan ada : Hujan berkat, topan kegembiraan, kabut kedamaian, embun kasih sayang & salju sukacita bagi setiap org yg mengasihiNya.. Selamat Natal..
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2 kata + senyum = SELAMAT NATAL 
From us with love:
(Immanuel,anny, yoel dan zelo)
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May joy and happiness snow on u, may the bells jingle for u and may santa be extra good to u. Merry Christmas!
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Wishing u & ur family a Merriest X’mas n Happiest Holiday Season Ever.
Jbu & ur fams
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From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another..
The warmth and joy of Christmas brings us closer to each other..
“Go! And tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere.. Go! And tell it on the mountains, Jesus Christ is born!”
Merry X’mas, Godbless!
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Qm mndpt kiriman parcel yg berisi:

-    sBotol CINTA
-    stoples Ksh Syg
-    sbungkus hati
-    seikat ketlsn
-    seuntai kstiaan
-    sKaleng kju”ran

“djaga baik” ya. Slmt natal 
with luv forever..
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“May the spirit of Christmas light up ur heart & fill you with LOVE, JOY & HOPE in JESUS CHRIST..”
Merry X’mas sizta  
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    ,*,  Not all gifts
   ,*,*,   are under
  ,*,*,*,    d tree
Most are in d heart
Wishing u all d best n b blessed
Merry Christmas
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Kebahagiaan terbesar adalah bersyukur tlh punya tmn2 seperti kalian. Kalian slalu jd yg trbaik dlm hdupku..

Met natal semua, Tuhan memberkati kalian..
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Met natal pat 
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Christmas isn’t Christmas ’till it happen in our heart..let’s prepare HIM room & receive our King in heart, then spread its joy out. Merry x’mas
[Pingkan W.]
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   \____KM. NaTaL___/

Sekian lama kapal brlayar..
Tak trsa kpl penumpang KM. NATAL akn merapat d dermaga 25 DES hrp brng bawaan berupa IMAN, KASIH, SUKACITA n PENGHARAPAN, jgn smpai tertinggal
“sLmat HARI NATAL 25 DES’ 09″

Jesus lov U..
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Merry x’mas..
Jbu all..
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Holy on your door, lights on your tree, candles in your window. Christmas in your heart! may your hearts and home be filled with holiday joy.
Happy xmas!
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Has gifts for u :

for every

for every

for every

for every

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It’s Xmas day
Let’s spread His love
Our best gift in the world,
Lord J came for us
Have a wonderful X’mas
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Indahnya hidup ini krn kasih Tuhan..
Kebaikan & pertolonganNya slalu tercurahkan..
Sbab kita sngt berharga bagiNYA.
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There’s only 1 reason why JESUS born, bcoz GOD so Love  d one wHo’s reading now

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“sahabat adalah Dia yg berjalan masuk ktika yg lain kluar & meninggalkanmu
Seperti shbt qt Yesus yg lahir pd hr ini.. DIA dtg utk masuk dlm hidup qt..memberi pengampunan&mengajari makna pengorbanan KASIH.. SELAMAT HARI NATAL09,
JBU ^.^
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May this Christmas bring smiles at your doorstep..
Joy in your heart love and togetherness of friends and family in your home..
May all the blessings of the season shine upon you..
Best wishes for a bright and beautiful Christmas..
[ K Win]
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A GOOD SMS 4 a GOOD person from a GOOD friend 4 a GOOd reason @ a GOOD time on a GOOD day 2say MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR’10
Best wishes 4u
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May God’s gift of peace, joy,and yours at Christmas and always.
Merry Christmas 2009 Gbu
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A simple gift of ‘Christmas’, filled with ‘BLESS’,wrapped with ‘JOY’, tied with’LOVE’ & sealed with a ‘HOPE’. Merry Christmas.have a joyful Christmas..
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Selamat hari natal 2009
[pak DEL]
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” Zhu Ni Shengdan Jie Kuai Le “
” Merry Christmas “

May the love of Jesus Christ be with u & u’r family..
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Merry Christmas
Now we will live forever more bcoz of Xmas day..
Merry Jesus day
don’t forget to gived thanx coz He is l.o.v.e
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Tuhan Yesus memberkati

-salam kasih-
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Happy holy day bu.. 
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Met natal ica.. Smoga damai natal menyertai kita..
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Selamat Natal Icha..
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Selamat Natal 2009.
Kiranya damai dan sukacita Natal yg kitaterima bias kita teruskan kepada sekitar kita yg membutuhkan.
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We Wish You a Merry??? *?*?.??? ??.?*?*???
Christmas???*?*?>??? ??.?
*?*???We Wish You a Merry ???*?*?.?????.?*? *???Christmas ? ? ?We
Wish You A Merry ???*? *?.?????.???Christmas???*?*?.??? ??.?*? *???…And A Happy NewYear!???*?*?.??? ??.?*?*???…
Wish u & ur family in the joy also happiness in this christmas ^^
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Christmas is tenderness for the past,courage for present,hope for the future.
Merry Christmas!
Hope fully it brings joy and peace in our heart.
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